Thyroid surgery webinar

Image of Paul Madgwick, patient speaker and Miss Alison Waghorn, surgeon speaker. Words read

Whether you're considering thyroid surgery as an option, or have been told you require it, it’s usual to have lots of questions.

This is your chance to learn more about thyroid surgery from both a surgeon’s and patient’s perspective. Our speakers will be Miss Alison Waghorn, Consultant Endocrine Surgeon and President of the British Association of Endocrine Surgeons (BAETS) and Paul Madgwick, who has recently undergone surgery for a goitre. Both our speakers are BTF trustees.

Please join us between 6 and 7 pm on Wednesday 22 May to hear their talks and put your questions to them.

There will be an opportunity to put your questions to our panel via the Q&A function. Our panel will do their best to answer as many questions as possible but unfortunately we cannot guarantee that there will be enough time to answer every question.

And if you can't attend our webinar on the day, we'll share the recording link shortly afterwards for you to watch in your own time.

Register on link

Read Paul's story

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