Last October people across the UK stepped out to put thyroid disorders on the map. Our striders represented the thyroid community from  South Wales to Scotland.

Here are some of our striders out and about.

Alison Stride for thyroid
Alison - Raised £485 walking the seven Hills of Scotland 
Grace - Raised £288 doing a pier walk 
Jill - Raised £372 doing a 15k walk 
Ollie - Raised £839 climbing Skiddaw
Noah - Raised £1000 doing a 10k run
Hayley - Raised £81 doing 12,000 steps every day in October 
Miles - Raised £564 walking the old Severn Bridge every day in October in memory of his daughter Millie
 Jenny - Raised £521 walking over 100 miles in October
Katherine and Matthew - Raised £250 doing a marathon walk on Southend Pier 
Ewa - Raised £203 doing Beadnall to Craster coastal walk