Ava's Army Donate Ava seemed like a completely normal newborn baby, until 2 weeks old when she starting suffering with horrendous constipation too the point she ended up in A&E. We was told we was over feeding her. Just days later I received a phone call too tell me there was an abnormality with her heel prick test and she had suspected Hypothyroidism and needed to attend the children's ward at our local hospital for tests.We attended all the appointments and her diagnosis was confirmed she has since spent the last three years of her life in and out of hospital having blood tests.At 4 months old she started having blood in her urine and it was feared she had problems with either her kidneys, her bladder or more shockingly was entering early puberty. As her parents and family it was terrifying. She ended up with scans on all these organs too rule this out. All this could have been caused by hypothyroidism but luckily she pushed through and everything came back clear.She still receives regular blood tests which are horrendous for Ava as she's so scared of them. She still despite medication suffers flare ups of tiredness, constipation and heightened emotions. During a flare up we've seen her fall asleep on the floor, eat insane amounts of food, break down in pain because of constipation and cry over the most simplest things. To most this is just an underactive thyroid but our reality shows its so much more than that. So in July this year me and my family are climbing Snowdon to raise funds and awareness for the amazing work the BTF do. Ava will be climbing with us.She's our little thyroid warrior and we are so proud of her. So please donate if you can.Thank you.We came up with the idea of making a video trying our best to show Ava's story in as simple of words as possible, please see link below.(To watch the video you need to hold your finger on the link, this will highlight it. It will then give you the option to open it) https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10157651266399514&id=589024513 Jordan Legge Manage Cookie Preferences Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility