White woman with blond hair

Greta Lyons - Chair of Trustees

Greta is a qualified Adult and Paediatric Nurse and Health Visitor. She works as an Endocrine Research Nurse at Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge in a small multi-disciplinary team which aims to improve standards of care to patients (adults and children). 

The team studies a diverse range of thyroid conditions, including Congenital Hypothyroidism and Resistance to Thyroid Hormone Alpha (RTHα) and Resistance to Thyroid Hormone Beta (RTHβ).

Greta is a previous winner of the BTF's Evelyn Ashley Smith Award which supports endocrine nurses to develop their knowledge to influence and strengthen the nursing and clinical care for thyroid patients.

Prof Boelaert is a white female with brown hair wearing a blue top top

Prof Kristien Boelaert

Kristien Boelaert is a Professor of Endocrinology at the University of Birmingham with a research interest in thyroid diseases. Kristien's clinical research interests include the management of thyroid dysfunction, nodules and cancer, as well as endocrine disorders in pregnancy. Her laboratory research programme focuses on the pathogenesis of thyroid cancer, and she is involved in a number of clinical research trials.

The main themes of her current research programme are thermal ablation techniques for thyroid nodules and cardiometabolic consequences of hyperthyroidism.

Kristien has been an advisor to the BTF for over 15 years and is a regular speaker at our events. She is keen to continue her strong track record of advocating for thyroid patients as a BTF trustee. 

White man with beard

Jon Eaton

Jon has marketing, brand and digital background with experience in the healthcare sector. He is currently Director of Communications and Digital Engagement at Epilepsy Action.

Jon said: I help organisations to grow and change using marketing strategy and digital technology and feel I can use these skills to support the BTF achieve its goals.

White woman with shoulder length brown hair

Professor Marian Ludgate

Marian is a retired research scientist (Professor Emerita in Molecular Endocrinology). Her career has been dedicated to the investigation of all aspects of the thyroid gland and to a range of thyroid disorders and accompanying conditions, such as thyroid eye disease. 

Over this time, Marian has worked in research centres in Cardiff and Brussels. She has also been involved in projects funded by our BTF Research Award and continues to be involved in thyroid research.

Marian says: As a research scientist I have been involved with patient support groups. I am keen to maintain and extend this relationship and hope to 'put a bit back' after benefitting from it throughout my career. In addition, several close family members have been diagnosed with thyroid problems, including cancer, hence I have some understanding of the anguish that can accompany these disorders.

White woman with blond hair

Kasia Jones

After graduating with a BSc, Kasia qualified as a Chartered Management Accountant.  She has worked at a variety of commercial enterprises and most recently at a small charity supporting engineers.

Kasia said: I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in my early 30s, following changes in my energy levels and weight. I was fortunate to be diagnosed in the early stages of the condition which meant my symptoms were managed from the onset. I came across BTF around the same time when looking for answers. I am grateful for their support and ongoing initiatives, especially when I fell pregnant with my son. 

I hope that I can bring my patient and professional charity experience together and assist the BTF in achieving its vision.

White man in coat outside

Paul Madgwick

Paul is a Chartered Occupational Safety and Health professional, working as a Director of Health and Safety,

Paul has a particular interest in workplace health and wellbeing and has completed an MSc in Workplace Health and Wellbeing, as well as a MRes in Health Sciences Research (applied psychology) at the University of Nottingham.  He was a trustee for the Royal Society of Health for nine years.

Paul’s interest in thyroid disorders comes from his own diagnosis with a multinodular goitre which has had a significant impact on his own personal wellbeing.

White woman outside in blue cardigan

Anna Reavell 

Anna is a veterinary surgeon working in a small animal practice. Prior to studying veterinary medicine, at Wolfson College Cambridge, she read psychology at Loughborough University. She also has a post-graduate diploma in Companion Animal Behaviour Counselling from Southampton University.

Anna was diagnosed with hypothyroidism after the birth of her second child who was diagnosed with Graves’ disease (hyperthyroidism) aged nine years. This has led Anna to be interested in childhood Graves’, including the psychological issues. She also wants to promote knowledge of thyroid disease especially related to pregnancy.

White woman with blond hair in coat wearing head phones outside with dog

Rachael Taylor

Rachael has spent the last decade working in education and has launched learning centres in some of the most deprived areas in London. In her current role as UK Sales Manager at No Isolation, she promotes AV1 telepresence technology, a revolutionary robot supporting children during long-term absences and chronic illnesses. She specialises in building outstanding partnerships and driving significant revenue growth. Focused on expanding AV1 adoption across the UK, Rachael ensures these innovative solutions reach those who need them most.

At the age of 10, Rachael was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, which led to a thyroidectomy a year later. After navigating the complexities of thyroid-related issues for most of her life, she is dedicated to championing and amplifying the voices of those living with thyroid disease.

White man in suit

Gavin Troughton

Gavin has spent over twenty years in commercial roles in the health technology space. He currently works as an advisor to breakthrough medical technology companies, helping with their product and commercial strategies.

Gavin says: Much of my work has involved engagement with healthcare systems, and I am a strong believer in supporting patients to understand and own their condition. I aim to use my business skills to support BTF to achieve its ambitions of supporting thyroid patients and championing research into improved treatments.

White woman with blond hair standing

Alison Waghorn

Alison is President of the British Association of Endocrine and Thyroid Surgeons (BAETS). She is a very experienced consultant endocrine and breast surgeon with a specialist interest in retrosternal goitres /adrenocortical cancers/redo parathyroid surgery, laparoscopic adrenalectomy, paragangliomas  and paediatric endocrine surgery. 

Alison has a keen interest in training and has spent many years leading training as Head of School and Training Programme Director. She has also run a BAETS masterclass.

White woman with black shoulder length hair smiling

Dr Nicola Zammitt 

Nicola is a consultant endocrinologist at Edinburgh’s Royal Infirmary and was Clinical Director of the Edinburgh Centre for Endocrinology and Diabetes from 2016 until 2022. She has a particular interest in Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) and set up the regional joint TED clinic with ophthalmology colleagues there. Nicola also sits on the Executive Committee of the British Thyroid Association (BTA).

Over the years, Nicola has been involved in the BTF’s work as a medical advisor and speaker at events. She was also a contributor to the BTF TED leaflet.

Nicola said: Our unit regularly uses the BTF information leaflets and we signpost patients to the website. Being a trustee provides the opportunity to become more formally involved with the BTF’s excellent work.  I believe my previous experience of working within a charity, and current role as a  trustee of the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary Diabetic Treatment Trust (ERIDTT), means I have the skills and commitment to support the BTF’s work.