What we do

We are dedicated to supporting people to live better with thyroid disorders. We do this by providing:

  • Patient literature for all age groups about all thyroid conditions, symptoms, and treatments. Most patient leaflets are also available in Urdu, Polish, Mandarin, and Arabic. All our resources can be downloaded from our website. English versions of leaflets are sent out free of charge to patients, hospitals and clinics in the UK on request

  • Patient films sharing lived experiences of thyroid disease

  • A comprehensive website with an accessibility widget to customise our website in a way that works best for you

  • Our 'BTF News' newsletter and regular e-bulletins for BTF members

  • Peer support offered through our patient phone contacts, online patient forums and local groups

  • Patient and public information events, face-to-face and virtual and online peer support groups

  • A medical query answering service 

  • Opportunities for patients to take part in research studies and projects  

  • Resources and training for healthcare professionals
  • Research funding - the BTF Research Award (currently £35,000) is available to researchers and scientists to fund a three-year research project on thyroid disorders

  • Four travel awards (up to £250 each) to be used to support endocrine nurses, midwives and healthcare professionals to attend taining and conferences

We work in partnership with the British Thyroid Association (BTA) and the British Association of Endocrine and Thyroid Surgeons (BAETS). All our patient literature is endorsed by the BTA and BAETS.

What we stand for

Since 1991, we have been working to help improve outcomes for people across the UK living with thyroid disorders. These are the principles that guide us in our work.


A world where the best possible treatment and care is accessible to all people with thyroid disorders.


We are dedicated to providing people with the highest standard of support and information about thyroid disorders based on the best current medical evidence and individual experiences.

Values and Beliefs

•        We must put the needs of members and people with thyroid disorders before any other consideration.

•        We will provide a quality service based on medical evidence and individual experience which is accessible to everyone.

•        We are committed to remaining open-minded and will do our best to encourage involvement and foster peer support.

•        We believe in a culture of success and a harmonious and rewarding working environment where individuals and teams can flourish. 

•        We will demonstrate a professional approach to our work at all times.


The Trust is established: 

a) to promote the relief and treatment of persons suffering from thyroid disorders and related conditions or diseases and to provide advice, information and support both for such persons, their families and the public generally, and

b) to promote and support research, and to disseminate for the public benefit the results of any such research into the causes and possible cures (whether partial or complete) and the possible prevention of the said disorders and diseases.


Extract from the British Thyroid Foundation Trust Deed, October 1991

Can you help us to help you, please?

We rely on donations to fund our work providing information and support to help people in the UK live better with thyroid disease. Please consider making a donation or becoming a member

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