Emily lives with hypothyroidism. Her determination to raise funds for anyone affected got her through the
gruelling run. Emily explained: I had never dreamed of participating in the London Marathon. This time last year I didn't even own a pair of running trainers, let alone think I could endure 26.2 miles!

It was an incredible day. Although there were challenging moments, and times when I felt like I could give up, I kept on going and was so proud when I reached the finish line.

The BTF is a charity very close to my heart. As a hypothyroidism sufferer myself, knowing this money will go towards those who need it and also battle this invisible illness every day really motivated me throughout the entire challenge. I am overwhelmed with the support I have been given and am so grateful for the kind words, donations, and for those who had faith in me when I perhaps did not. I have learnt so much in the last few months and truly believe you can do anything if you set your mind to it.

Emily raised £1,295 for our work.

Emily at the finish line! 

Emily's page is still open if you would like to visit her JustGiving page