Katie was diagnosed with thyroid cancer three years ago at the age of 27. Having undergone surgery to remove her thyroid, Katie is now healthy and well. She and her family undertook their second annual half marathon in August, now a tradition to celebrate life. It was also motivated by a wish to support others who have undergone treatment for thyroid cancer, who Katie refers to as fellow thyroid-less thrivers.

Due to Covid-19 travel restrictions, Katie ran her half marathon in Sydney Australia where she is currently living with her partner, with other family members competing theirs in Stoke-on-Trent yet this did not deter the family’s united spirit when undertaking the challenge.

Katie describes her motto as No thyroid. No problem! She said: My soul mission is to show that a life of no limits is possible for those living without a thyroid. Now I am thankfully healthy and whole…I am running because I can, for those who can no longer, and to provide inspiration for those who need it!

The BTF is a cause very close to my heart. Katie has just celebrated her third-year cancer-free and, along with her family, has raised £1,184 for our work.

Katie and her family Katie and her partner