Thyroid conditions in babies, children and young people: a guide for parents and carers

We’ve produced this information for parents and carers of children who’ve been diagnosed with a thyroid condition or who think that their child may have a thyroid condition.

It aims to give you the information and support you need to help your child through diagnosis and treatment to get better.

We include factual information that will help you to understand more about your child’s condition: including practical guidance to help you get the best possible care, and suggestions about what to do if you’re unhappy with this care; advice on how you can support your child and where you can get additional help if you need it. Medical terms can be hard to understand, so we’ve also included definitions to help explain the ones you’re most likely to come across.

Our very special thanks go to the parents and, in particular, the children, who have shared their experiences with us. Their bravery in the face of dealing with a chronic medical condition at such an early age has touched all of us.

Janis Hickey
BTF Founder 

Professor Peter Hindmarsh from the London Centre for Paediatric Endocrinology, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children:

'Thyroid conditions in children are not common and this can mean it can take time to get a correct diagnosis for your child. The good news is that all thyroid conditions can be treated and with the right medication or intervention, your child will get better. In nearly all cases, children with thyroid conditions live healthy and active lives.

I’ve worked closely with the BTF for many years, and I’m delighted to endorse this information. I hope it will help you to understand your child’s thyroid condition and reassure you about any fears that you may have.’


Our thanks to the following:

  • The BTF Children’s Project working group
  • BTF members and volunteers to wrote, developed and reviewed these resources
  • Professor Peter Hindmarsh and Dr Tim Cheetham, Paediatric Endocrinologists
  • Dr Petros Perros, Consultant Endocrinologist - for providing additional information
  • Matthew Hickey - for the illustrations

About the Thyroid in Children

Hypothyroidism in Children

Hyperthyroidism in Children

Thyroid Eye Disease in Children

Thyroid Cancer in Children

Medical Support: how to get the best care for your child

How you can support your child

Glossary of terms

We rely on donations to fund our work providing information and support to help people live better with thyroid disease. Please consider making a donation or becoming a member


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