Presentations on thyroid disorders

We have partnered with the British Thyroid Association (BTA) to provide quality training to healthcare professionals who look after patients with thyroid disease. Where indicated, these webinars are available as 1-hour CPD training modules hosted on the MIMS learning platform.

Diagnosis and management of hyperthyroidism - joint BTA/BTF webinar

Learn about initial management of patients with hyperthyroidism prior to specialist review, including the safe use of beta blockers and antithyroid drugs.

Complete the MIMS learning 1-hour CPD module

Diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism - joint BTA/BTF webinar

Learn more about the management of patients with hypothyroidism, including when T4/T3 combination therapy might be appropriate and why some patients continue to feel unwell despite 'in range' thyroid levels.

Complete the MIMS learning 1-hour CPD module

Read the webinar Q&As

Thyroid nodules (lumps)

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)

Debate on use of T4/T3 combination therapy to treat hypothyroidism 

For: Professor Peter Taylor, Consultant Endocrinologist, Cardiff 

Against: Professor Kristien Boelaert, Consultant Endocrinologist, Birmingham

The session was chaired by Professor Mark Strachan, Consultant Endocrinologist, Edinburgh, and was followed by a Q&A session.

Watch our other webinars

Thyroid disease in pregnancy

CoMICs videos

We are delighted to be collaborating with CoMICs (Concise Medical Information Cines) who have produced a series of videos that combine illustrations and infographics to provide bite-sized information on various topics. Each video depicts a specific medical condition from its presentation and investigations to step-wise management and follow-up options. The information on each topic is based on the national and international guidelines and is reviewed by leading experts in that specific field of medicine.
CoMICs are aimed at medical students, junior doctors, early-career specialists and consultants. The thyroid conditions covered include:
  • Graves' disease during pregnancy
  • T4/T3 combination therapy for hypothyroidism
  • TSHoma 
  • Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis
  • Thyroid nodules
  • ATD-induced agranulocytosis
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Graves' disease
  • Thyroid Eye Disease

Other useful resources

Liothyronine guidance for GPs

See all our resources for healthcare professionals