Chloe - Congenital hypothyroidism

The heel prick test picked up Chloe's congenital hypothyroidism when she was just a few days old. Chloe and her mum talk about how her diagnosis and how Chloe has managed to keep her symptoms at bay throughout her childhood by taking her medication 

Cicely - Hypothyroidism

Cicely's underactive thyroid was picked up at the age of eight, after suffering with tonsillitis. She imagined her diagnosis would be a life changing event. Although she has experienced tiredness and dislikes taking her medication, her message is that living with a thyroid disorder hasn't really changed much for her at all 

Ella - Hyperthyroidism

After a lump (goitre) appeared in her neck, Ella's hyperthyroidism was diagnosed. Here she talks about her decision to have radioactive iodine treatment over surgery and her life post treatment 

Jeanne - Thyroid cancer

Jeanne was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer at the age of 15. She subsequently underwent surgery followed by radioactive iodine therapy. Now five years in remission, Jeanne is keen to share her story to support others diagnosed with thyroid cancer 

Clare - Congenital hypothyroidism

Clare was born without a thyroid and has been on medication throughout her life. She candidly talks about her some of the psychological symptoms she has struggled with and her unwillingness to take her medication during her teenage years. She stresses the importance of taking medication as prescribed to manage symptoms

Marcus - Hyperthyroidism

Marcus' symptoms, such as feeling hot and an increased appetite, gradually crept up on him. He was put on a course of block and replace therapy to suppress his overactive thyroid. Marcus remains very active and believes his condition will not stop him from doing anything he wants to (although he may not be able to pack enough medicine for a year long cycling holiday!) 

Joe - Congenital hypothyroidism

Joe's thyroid disorder was successfully managed during childhood. Through his teenage years, he started to experience unpleasant physical, psychological and emotional symptoms as the management of his condition became more haphazard and Joe started to self-medicate. A change of doctor brought his symptoms back under control and Joe now leads a very active life 

Katie - Hyperthyroidism

It came as a relief to Katie that the anxiety she had been experiencing was caused by her overactive thyroid. Here she describes her journey through her teenage years and how she has successfully managed to get her symptoms under control allowing her to go on to study at university 

Xylia - Congential hypothyroidism

Xylia was diagnosed with her condition shortly after birth. Her mum and sibling also have hypothyroidism so she describes how it's normal to her. Her mum talks about the struggle she has had to get Xylia to take responsibility for her medication, a problems that many families have in common 

Living well with thyroid disorders - our teenagers and young people share some of their experiences and tips about how to manage thyroid conditions 

Being diagnosed with a thyroid disorder - our teenagers and young people talk about coming to terms with both physical and psychological symptoms of a thyroid disorder and what their diagnosis meant for them 

Being treated for a thyroid disorder - from the importance of taking medication consistently to talking through treatment options, our teenagers and young people share their experiences 

A doctor's guide to thyroid disorders - Dr Tim Cheetham, Paediatric Endocrinologist explains how the body can be affected when the thyroid is not working properly

A doctor's guide to hypothyroidism - Dr Tim Cheetham, Paediatric Endocrinologist provides a guide to the main groups of hypothyroidism in children: Congenital hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroid disease

A doctor's guide to hyperthyroidism - Dr Tim Cheetham, Paediatric Endocrinologist explains symptoms and treatment options for an overactive thyroid

A doctor's guide to thyroid cancer - Dr Tim Cheetham, Paediatric Endocrinologist explains symptoms and treatment for thyroid cancer, a condition which is very rare among children

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Teenagers and thyroid conditions

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