(June 2020)

How we are supporting people with thyroid disorders

We are committed to supporting you over this worrying time by bringing you the latest information, based on the facts known so far.  It is still relatively early days and the situation is changing constantly. We will continue to monitor the situation very closely and will update this information as and when we have it. 

Latest information

To provide answers to some of your questions, we have worked with medical professionals from the British Thyroid Association (BTA) and Society for Endocrinology (SfE) to provide statements about COVID-19 and thyroid disease. These can be viewed here:

Thyroid disease and coronavirus (COVID-19)  

Thyroid cancer and coronavirus (COVID-19)

Thyroid eye disease and coronavirus FAQs for patients

Answering queries

We know some of you are having trouble getting through to your healthcare professional at the moment. You can ask us questions about thyroid disorders by getting in touch in one of the following ways:

If you have a medical query, you can contact us by: 

Phone or text message  


Please note: This service is not for crises and emergency help and we are not a substitute for medical care and advice from your own doctor or specialist. Service is available weekdays only.

Frequently asked questions

To help answer some of your most common queries, we are working with some of the UK's leading thyroid doctors. We have a series of articles written about Covid- 19 written by consultant endocrinologist and BTF patron, Dr Petros Perros.

FAQs about thyroid disease and Coronavirus (Covid-19)  

Information about the immune system and thyroid disorders

Supporting one another

Many of you tell us it's a great source of support to know others may be in a similar situation to you. Our network of contacts is here to assist in the following ways:

If you would like someone to listen to you and to talk to, please remember our fantastic volunteer telephone contacts will be happy to help. 

Telephone support

Our closed Facebook groups also provide a safe forum for you to share experiences and information with other people who may be in a similar situation to you.

Facebook groups

How you can help us

Despite being busier than ever, our fundraising income has plummeted during the COVID-19 outbreak. Read how you can support us to help you at this challenging time.

Ways to support the BTF

Receive a BTF member bulletin

If you are BTF member we can provide you with regular up-dates via email. If we don't already have your email address, please email it to [email protected] together with your full name, membership no (if known) and post code.

Or to receive regular updates and support important research into thyroid disease

Become a member

Other sources of support

For information about thyroid disorders 

BTF website 

For general information and answers to common questions about coronavirus (COVID-19)

NHS website 

Online coronavirus (COVID-19) service can tell you if you need medical help and advise you what to do

NHS 111 

For latest guidance and advice
