Living with the psychological symptoms of thyroid disorders can be isolating. 

So this Mental Health Awareness Week we're highlighting how thyroid disorders can impact our mental wellbeing, as well as contribute to feelings of loneliness.

But you don't have to suffer on your own.

Our volunteer network is here to listen and offer peer support to you.

Please help us shine a spotlight on these often hidden symptoms by sharing these resources with family, friends and colleagues. 

Psychological symptoms

Anxiety, depression, brain fog and mood swings are some of the psychological symptoms that can accompany thyroid disorders. Read more about these symptoms and our tips for self-care and sources of more support

Support network 

Talking to others who have similar experiences can help you feel
better supported and less alone. These are some of the ways our support network is here for you:

Offer a safe, supportive space to share experiences with others who 'get it.'

Patient stories

'It's so hard to explain to others how I'm feeling.
Others just don't understand.'
Feeling you are the only one affected by psychological symptoms can be frightening and isolating. Read other patients' accounts of how their thyroid condition affected their mental wellbeing and strategies they used to cope.

Support for children and teenagers  

Thyroid disorders in children and teenagers are rare so it can be  
hard to connect with others with a thyroid condition.                  

Our group of teenagers have shared their stories to help others
feel less alone and better supported.

Watch their films

Read their stories

Find more support for teenagers

Find more support for children

Further support

There may be times when you need to access additional
support for your psychological symptoms. The following organisations may be able to help.